Teddy in the Window – Derwent Water

Teddy on the Lake

He’s been peering from this shed window on the edge of Derwent Water for some twelve years, longing to be reclaimed by his owner.

Teddy was once somebody’s very best friend. A comforter in times of anxiety. A playmate. A bed-time cuddle.

What happened? Did he tumble out of a pushchair as his family took a stroll around Derwent Water? Maybe the youngster had a snooze and lost his/her grip on Teddy? Was there an almighty uproar when young owner awoke to find Teddy had gone AWOL? Did mummy and daddy have to buy a replacement to appease a gribbly child?

Lost but still loved. Teddy receives countless postcards from all over the world from those who encounter him. They’re posted on all sides of the shed.

But he looks sad as he stares out of his cobwebbed window.

Will Teddy ever be reunited with his (now grown-up) owner?

I hope so.