Lytham Hall – woodland walks and snowdrops


This enriching woodland walk
through the grounds of Lytham Hall
has become a real favourite

Imposing Lytham Hall
Swathes of snowdrops – a woodland carpet

Lily Pond

A quiet oasis

Residents on the Lily Pond
include Mr & Mrs Teal
mingling with moorhens and mallards,
and high up in the treetops

nesting herons

Mr Teal tending his coat of vibrant colours
Heron’s eye view
Male and female heron in process of nest-building

Herons lay 4-5 pale blue eggs
Incubation 25 days
Fledging 50 days
Maybe end of April
to see/hear their squawking young?

Ramshackle boathouse
tumbling into
the Lily Pond

Boathouse – restoration imminent

Another thing to look forward to –
the restoration of the boathouse